Taking to the air: The future of urban air mobility In the 1997 film The Fifth Element—set in the 23rd… North Asia | Asia | Corporate Network | Business, Industry
The world is bumpy – pandemic recovery, trade and technology The 1989 collapse of the Berlin Wall, signalling the end of… China | Asia | Corporate Network | Business, Industry
ECN MENA CEO Roundtable The ECN in Dubai continued its series of CEO roundtables… Africa | Economy | Middle East | Middle East & Africa | Corporate Network | Business, Industry
South Africa’s consumer – signs of resilience and reallocation Consumer activity is a significant driver of South… Africa | Economy | South Africa | Corporate Network
Can Riyadh outshine Dubai for business? How seriously should businesses take Saudi Arabia's threats… Economy | Middle East | Middle East & Africa | Corporate Network | Business, Industry
The case for speeding up the jab One of the biggest risks we see for the recovery of the… China | Economy | Asia | Corporate Network
RCEP and its implications for trade and business At one of our recent CxO lunches we discussed the Regional… China | Economy | Asia | Corporate Network | Business, Industry
Impact of demographic changes in China I have been conducting some research on demographics, and… China | Economy | Asia | Corporate Network
Business implications from China’s carbon goals China’s efforts to advance environmental sustainability… China | Economy | Asia | Corporate Network | Business, Industry