Shifting supply chains: redefining strategies for success in Japan Geopolitics, not geographical proximity, is the key driver… North Asia | Supply chains | Japan | Corporate Network | Supply Chain
Africa primed for innovation advantage over rest of the world Q2 of 2023 has been tough for Africa, particularly South… Economy | South Africa | Corporate Network
Outcomes of the G7 summit and the future of Sino-Japanese relations Outcomes of the G7 summit and the future of Sino-Japanese… China | Economy | Politics | China | Corporate Network
EICN Executive Insight Q2 2023 EICN Executive Insight Q2 2023 China | Economy | Politics | China | Corporate Network
Talent: Gen Z and the four-day workweek Talent: Gen Z and the four-day workweek Economy | Middle East | Middle East & Africa | Corporate Network
The limits of currency diplomacy Since the end of 2022, President Xi Jinping’s accelerated… China | Economy | Politics | Corporate Network
China’s economy rebounds more than expected Supported by strong consumer spending and a surprisingly… China | Economy | Corporate Network
Kuala Lumpur: Regional Strategic Forecast Economist Intelligence Corporate Network recently concluded… Economy | South-east Asia | Malaysia | Corporate Network | Business, Industry
Asia’s Regional Strategic Forecast Economist Intelligence Corporate Network recently concluded… Economy | South-east Asia | Singapore | South-east Asia | Corporate Network | Business, Industry