The new era led by generative AI: Exploration, inspiration, and challenges

Join us for a conversation where we will explore how to businesses can use artificial intelligence to promote the progress and well-being of human society while coping with the challenges posed by such disruptive technological advances.

Event panellists

This event will be moderated by EICN’s Beijing director, Dr Robert Xiao.

Qing Wei

Chief Technology Officer at Microsoft (China) Co., Ltd.

Anita Huang

Operating Partner & Chief Marketing Officer at Sinovation Ventures

Alvin Guan

Partner, CTO at Deloitte Digital China

Robert Xiao

Beijing Director of Economist Intelligence Corporate Network

Mattie Bekink

China Director of The Economist Intelligence Corporate Network

About the event

With the advent of ChatGPT, the topic of generative artificial intelligence (generative-AI) has flooded daily conversations. Outstanding performance in applications such as natural language processing, image generation, and machine translation has demonstrated the technology’s enormous potential. As a result, technology companies have begun to actively combine generative-AI’s powerful processing capabilities with the wisdom of some of the smartest talent in computer science to accelerate the era of AI.

However, these exciting prospects are not without concerns and challenges. Many worry that artificial intelligence will replace humans in jobs or even somehow usurp control from humans. The fact that AIs’ capabilities are already outrunning their creators’ understanding risks bringing to life the science-fiction disaster scenario of the machine that outsmarts its inventor.

This bubbling mixture of excitement and fear makes it hard to weigh the opportunities and risks. In this event, we will invite industry experts to share their views on the research results, application cases, and development prospects of generative-AI. We will also explore how to fruitfully use artificial intelligence to promote the progress and wellbeing of human society and cope with the challenges posed by sudden technological advances.


Times below are shown as GMT+8

08:00 – 08:30: Registration and networking

08:30 – 09:15: Keynote Speaking & Q&A

09:15 – 09:25: Coffee Break

09:25 – 10:30: Panel Discussion

Event Details


Hotel Eclat Beijing
No. 9, DongDaQiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

Meeting room details to be shared upon successful registration.


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