Upasana Dutt

Head of India for The Economist Group

Upasana Dutt is Head of India for The Economist Group, where she leads a team of experts specialising in business intelligence, strategic analysis, and research and policy insights. Her team focuses on delivering valuable insights, informing policies and driving business growth. Throughout her tenure with the Group, Upasana has successfully led editorial teams and spearheaded global products, particularly in the fields of city living and speaker bureau. Her strategic acumen has played a key role in shaping new product strategies, while fostering meaningful client relationships through engaging discussions tailored to their specific needs.

Upasana remains actively engaged in client interactions, hosting external discussions that centre on India’s evolving role in the global landscape. Her understanding of the Indian market, and experience of working with global experts, positions her as a trusted advisor to clients seeking insights into India’s potential and its impact on the global landscape.

Upasana also leads the Economist Intelligence Corporate Network in India. She is creating a CEO forum which brings together business leaders, policymakers and insights from Economist Intelligence together, creating a meaningful platform for thought leadership and engagement.

Expertise Expertise


Specialist subjects Specialist subjects


Languages Languages

English, Hindi, Bengali

Location Location

Gurgaon, India